The {wysiwyg} tag pair will output the contents of the WYSIWYG element.


You can use the following parameters with your {wysiwyg} tag:


{wysiwyg strip_tags="yes"}

This parameter removes HTML formatting from the value being displayed.


{wysiwyg char_limit="5" strip_tags="yes"}

This parameter shortens the value being displayed. In order to use this parameter, you need to remove the HTML formatting using the strip_tags=”yes”.

The following single variables are available within your {wysiwyg} tag pair:


Displays the contents of {wysiwyg} element.


Sometimes, you might want to use several wysiwyg elements. The {element_name} tag will help you to determine which wysiwyg element is being displayed.

	{if element_name=="simple"}
		<div class="simple">{value}</div>