Once Content Elements is installed and EE access privileges are set, you can create a new field with the Content Elements fieldtype:

  1. Go to Admin » Channel Administration » Channel Fields
  2. From the list of Field Groups, choose the one you wish to use add Content Elements into
  3. In the chosen Field Group, click on Create a New Channel Field
  4. From the Type dropdown, choose the Content Elements option
  5. Add required fields (Field Label, Short Name)
  6. In the Field Settings box at the bottom of the page, choose which elements you would like your users to use. The following elements are created by default:
Content Elements - Admin selection for available fields
  1. You can add new elements (even multiple elements of the same type), re-order them or remove. To remove an element, click on the X (close) icon located on the right side of the element you wish to remove (as you can see on the gallery element above).
  2. Once you’re done, you can save the settings.

Now, when you go to the Publish page for the appropriate channel, you should be able to see the content element toolbox with elements you’ve created in the above steps:

Content Elements - Editor selection of fields in the Entry Publish Page

Now that you have successfully setup Content Elements, you can proceed to the front-end integration.