Content Elements publish page example

Content Elements

One fieldtype. Unlimited publishing options.

  • let publishers create fields & re-order them on the publish page
  • put an end to channels with pre-defined fields
  • speed up your ExpressionEngine site development process
  • MSM compatible

Text field? Table? Block of code? Gallery? Let the publishers decide.

Content Elements is a fieldtype for ExpressionEngine that will give your clients and publishers the freedom to create content structure directly on the publish page.

You will no longer need to create individual channels to accommodate different field groups. Instead, let publishers choose what content elements and what order to use —all in one channel and using a single field type.

Control fields shown using Hide Options

Configure how much freedom to give.

Before using the fieldtype, you can choose how much freedom you really want to give the publishers.

Publisher selection of elements

Let the publishers manage the elements.

Publishers can easily create any content element they wish to display on the page and drag it wherever they wish to show it.

Full template freedom of display output

Your data will be stored in raw format.

All the data will be stored in raw format so you will have a total control how to display them on the front-end.

Frontend publishing with ease

Publish the data on the front-end with ease.

Since it’s so easy to display the data, you might soon find yourself using this single fieldtype for most of your sites.

Say goodbye to WYSIWYGs that mess up your markup

Example EE publish page using Content Elements

Add heading(s)

Add a heading anywhere on your page. Choose its importance (h1, h2...) and text to display.

Add text field or text area(s)

Add a single or more text fields or text areas anywhere on your page.

Add block(s) of code

Add a raw block of code on your page using a simple code editor

Create table(s)

Create tables with ease. Add rows & cols. Reorder them or remove.

Use rich-text block(s)

You can always use a rich-text editor to add formatted blocks of text on your page.

Add galleries

Add image gallery with a limited or unlimited number of pics. Add caption and reorder photos as you wish.

Let the publishers decide what content elements to add on the page.

Publishers can add a content element of their choice at the bottom of the page. Once added, they can drag it up on the page or remove it. As soon as the changes are saved, the new content will appear on the front end. Unlike the content created using WYSIWYG editor, content created using Content Elements is stored in a structured way so you can control the way it’s shown on the front-end.