Editors are able to choose and order elements whichever way they like on the publish page – this is then directly reflected on the front-end via the template code. Let’s say your editor adds the following content to the publish page:
- heading 1
- textarea
- heading 2
- textarea
- heading 3
- textarea
- code
- heading 2
- textarea
- heading 3
- gallery
In order to display these elements on the front-end, all you have to do is include each of the element types you want to display — only once. For example, in order to display the above, you would you have to include the following elements in your code: heading, textarea, code, table and gallery. You can use the following code to do so:
{exp:channel:entries channel="my_custom_channel"} {my_content_elements} {heading} {value} {/heading} {textarea} {value} {/textarea} {code} {value} {/code} {gallery} {/gallery} {/my_content_elements} {/exp:channel:entries}